Relaxed and informal engagement shoot in Victoria Park, Bristol

"We just looked at the photos; they're beautiful! Thank you so much. And the slide show is lovely too. I feel like if you can make us look that good on a day out in the park then our wedding day is pretty much sorted for beautiful pics.  I'm really chuffed with them and really feel like they capture Paul and I as a couple- basically lots of laughing! I'm really excited to choose one for the wedding invite even though it'll be very hard to pick one. Your photos have kick started us into excited wedding mode!"

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Part three: Working from 'home'?

In these winter months when my studio is basically arctic conditions and my duvet is like a giant king size marshmallow, it takes a large degree of discipline to get out of bed and work from the office. Since I started doing anything that resembled running a business, I have explores most of the options available I have a pretty good comparison list of what makes a good working environment and how this reflects in my productivity levels. I wanted to share with you what I consider the best and worst parts of all of them, to help you choose where you should be

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