Haughmond Hill Engagement Shoot


Woodland SNAP & CHAT in Shrewsbury

These guys! *heart eye emoji* What a joy to photograph. Elenโ€™s infectious laugh just oozes out of these photos as does the way that James so clearly absolutely adores her (and vice versa!) James has been my designer for a few years on various projects (like those fabulous planning books people get when they book) and I also had the pleasure of photographing his Mumโ€™s wedding last year. So obviously i was absolutely over the moon when these guys got engaged and wanted me to be their wedding photographer.!We picked Haughmond Hill after the welsh lockdown stopped us going to the original place (2020 just loves changing peopleโ€™s plans ey?) but actually it was so nice to take them somewhere they hadnโ€™t been before and it is one of my favourite walks too. Plus the beautiful time of year & that gorgeous sunlight made for a winning combo!


Florence Fox