Unposed & Fun Shropshire Wedding Photographer

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February has seemed like a super long month, but in the best way! I feel like I’ve done so much and it’s been wonderful to have some slow weekends to myself before wedding season. I’m actually really enjoying putting these together as it’s so easy to forget what I’ve done in a month. So here’s a little round up of what i’ve been getting up to around Stokey & the east last month!


The Axe

Our new favourite local! Such a cute pub with amazing food and a very decent selection of beers - and non alcoholic ones which is super rare! It’s taken us ages to discover this as it doesn’t actually have a sign outside of it (damn Hipster bars)


This pizza place is just up from our favourite cinema, Castle Cinema in Clapton, and it was so delicious! Obviously no pizzas pictures because it was too damn delicious.


I know it seems like I just got back from India (which I guess I have) but I had a small jaunt to Slovenia booked with my mum for a while! We headed there for 3 nights and 4 days and managed to squeeze in so much. You can read my blog post about it here with my photos all shot on 35mm film. 

Making Sushi is one of my favourite day off activities! I’ve been enjoying having a few Saturdays off to keep myself busy in the kitchen.

I met up with one of my wonderful 2018 couples Fran & James for a drink and a catch up about everything they’ve been up to! It is SO lovely to meet up with people who i’ve photographed and hear all their news. These guys are renovating a house in London and run an instagram page all about it! Fran also sent me this hilarious photo that they have framed at their house of me on their wedding taken by her 4 year old nephew - awww!


 As well as jointing the Stoke Newington library I also perused the Stoke Newington bookshop this month too and got myself two new little beauties!

9. The Help (such a fantastic read)

10. Disobedience (second book by Naomi Alderman)

11. Farm (crime thriller by Tom Rob Smith)

12. Since We Fell

13. Profit first - a brilliant business book all about finance (riveting i know!) that has genuinely changed how I view my accounts. Highly recommend to other self-employed people!

Escocesa, Stoke Newington

This place lures is in with its £1 oysters on Sundays! This time washed down with a cheeky glass of Prosecco…

Ive also been trying out lots of delicious mocktails from my Dry cocktail book which have been so tasty!

Part of the reason of being in London is to indulge in some culture & exhibitions! I try and visit at least one a week, in February I headed down to Camden Market to check out the vagina museum (yes, really) and I also went to Somerset house to see 24/7 - an exhibition on the non-stop addiction and relentless exposure to technology.

I’ve been trying really hard to socialise a bit more with other London wedding photographers so above you can see me hanging out with the lovely Jo from Joasis Photography at the Most Curious Wedding Fair and also my delicious brunch at the Wedding Breakfast Club that I’m now part of!

Anyone who knows me knows I loooove Ludovico Einaudi so I was mega happy when Castle Cinema did a Pitchblack Playback of one of his albums. You basically go and listen to the whole album straight through with a bunch of other people, wearing a blindfold. I know, so east london but it was bliss.

We went to Stranger Things Secret Cinema! It was AWESOME. Really happy we decided to go last minute and massively rated it better than Casino Royale where we went last year. Immersive theatre, dressing up & tasty food and drinks - whats not to love?


A beautiful Mind 

The Stranger (netflix - totally binged on this!)

12 Years a slave

Sex Education

Pulp Fiction 

Years and Years (BBC)

OBSESSED! has anyone else been watching this? Like humans crossed with black mirror. Favourite tv show so far this year FOR SURE.

And aside from all the above I also launched my personal brand and small business photography company called Fox in Docs! You can check out my website and follow my on Instagram. I am really hoping to work with more small London businesses looking for brand photography and behind the scenes promotional material so if this is you or anyone else you do please do share the love!

That’s all for Feb folks!

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