Unposed & Fun Shropshire Wedding Photographer

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Yellow Fields shoot in Shropshire - {Personal Work}

Sometimes in life, you gotta deviate from the plan. My plan on Tuesday was get all my accounts up to date, scan in my receipts, really riveting stuff you know. Then I'm driving past a beautiful yellow field near my house and realise I haven't done any shoots in them this year - quelle horreur! So I scrap my finance plans and rope my sister into donning a white dress and frolicking in the field with me - possibly much to the amusement of those driving past. 

Shooting for personal or for anything that isn't commission "work" is super important to me this year, I want to try and keep picking up my camera for the love of it. And impromptu shoots and the most ideal way to do it.  So here we go - 15 minutes - 10 frames - just for fun.